Heuristic Industries

Logotypes, icons, and concepts for Colorado-based audio effects boutique, Heuristic Industries.

00 Inspiration

From the start, the vision for Heuristic Industries was elegant, airy, and graphic, and evocative of vintage test equipment, instruments, stereos, and games.

Working alongside the small but passionate Heuristic Industries team, we uncovered a mutual love for Dieter Rams’s industrial design during his time at Braun, which became a primary inspiration for the Heuristic Industries brand.

We wanted to ensure that our airy minimalism never came across as austere or overly technical; these devices should be accessible, fun, and useful to everyone.

Braun hi-fi system

Braun hi-fi system

01 Placeholders and preliminaries

We knew that in order to allow for brand evolution, we should expect our first step to eventually be replaced as the brand matured. Initially settling on a few logo lockups, icons, colors, and typographic treatments, we were able to piece together an early style guide.

Early style guide exploration

02 Iteration

As development and design on a pedal (which would later be known as Fulcrum) sped up, so did design experimentation.

Early design experimentation

03 Jigsaw falling into place

Eventually, through our iterative and collaborative process, and through the design and development of Heuristic Industries’ debut Fulcrum, we settled on an updated logotype, as well as a flexible system of icons, type, and grids.

Additional credit:
Fulcrum product photography comes courtesy of John Cortez, with permission from Heuristic Industries.
Supplemental photography belongs to its respective rightsholder(s).